Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mini-Reviews #3

The following mini-reviews are for books and ARCs I've read. I didn't write full reviews for these for different reasons, but I hope I managed to get my feelings across in each of these mini-reviews.

Everneath by Brodi Ashton / Release: Jan. 24, 2012
I managed to read this in one day because it was that easy to get sucked into the world of Everneath. I liked the main character Nikki's determination. Sometimes she didn't make the best choices, but I can't completely fault her for that because of...Cole. He really knows how to influence a person. I don't think I quite understand him or his agenda. As for the romance, I'm glad I didn't dislike the love-triangle, but I can't say that I completely enjoyed it. I am rooting for the other guy Jack. Out of all the characters, I liked him the most, even though my connection to him wasn't very strong. Other than that, I thought it was a great start to the trilogy. Alternating between the past and present was done really well, and the ending was definitely a shocker! I look forward to reading the sequel. Rating: 4 out of 5

Glimmer by Phoebe Kitanidis / Release: April 17, 2012
These same words kept popping up in my mind while I was reading this book: strange, weird, lost, bizarre, crazy. Because it was! Which was not a bad thing at all. The book alternates between the POV of Elyse and Marshall as they try to regain their memories and figure out what's wrong with the too perfect town of Summer Falls. Those first few chapters... Well, let's just say it was probably one of the most intriguing beginnings to a story I've ever read! Glimmer was fast-paced and full of mystery and ghosts and lots of...heatnaps. And magic. Cannot forget the magic. It ended up being no where close to what I expected; it was such a different kind of read. I think that's why I enjoyed it so much. Another great thing about it was that it definitely seemed like a stand-alone. Props to the author! Rating: 4 out of 5

Madly by M. Leighton / Released: June 2011
This is a novelette, and I feel like this is a very promising start to the series! Madly is about mermaids, but it seems there are other fairy tale characters in it, which I thought was pretty fascinating. Madly, the main character, was awesome. I loved that she took charge. Jackson was...smoldering. Really interested in reading more about their relationship! I would have liked more of Madly's friends Aidan and Jersey. They were completely overshadowed whenever Jackson was around. Jersey and Jackson are even siblings, and it didn't feel that way. But since this is only a glimpse into the series, I'm sure we'll get more of them in the second book. I thought the writing was great, and I'm looking forward to more! I would recommend this to fans of Jennifer L. Armentrout! Rating: 5 out of 5

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