Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Reviews: Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren & Recipe for Satisfaction by Gina Gordan

Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
Release Date: February 12, 2013 / Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

It does not bother me at all that Beautiful Bastard use to be fanfiction. That being said, I found this book to be just an okay read. Even though it didn't take me too long to finish, there were still instances while I was reading where I was wishing the story would hurry up and end.

Beautiful Bastard had its entertaining moments, which I felt were mostly the steamy interactions between Chloe and Bennett. The book featured both of their POVs, and I liked Bennett's more so than Chloe's. Chloe wasn't a character I ever really warmed up to. She was frustraing at times. I'm not saying Bennett wasn't frustrating himself, and I don't mean he was an amazing guy. I just found his chapters easier to get through. I didn't care that much for how their story started off with pretty much no build-up or enough insight. But hey, at least it was straight to the point like the rest of the story.

While I didn't think this book was that memorable, I think readers who are interested in this type of story (a quick-paced, erotic read) might enjoy Beautiful Bastard.

Recipe for Satisfaction by Gina Gordan
Release Date: January 1, 2013 / Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

I don't think this book is bad. But my reason for the rating is because Recipe for Satisfaction is a story I've read before with just slightly different characters and the main differences being the setting and the characters' careers. A lot of the contemporary romances I've read seem to share the same basic plot. Uptight woman and bad boy, who isn't really as bad as the rumors claim, fall for each other and have the best sex of their lives with each other. But their relationship isn't suppose to be serious, so they are too afraid to admit that they're deeply in love. Complications from their past cause them to argue and fight and break off whatever they had. Someone or something brings them back together, making them realize how wrong they were, and they declare their love for each other and live happily ever after. See? I think everyone knows exactly what I mean.

I know these stories are suppose to be fun and straight to the point. And there have been some I've really enjoyed, but those were mostly the first ones I've ever read. It's not as exciting as it was in the beginning because it's the same story and I already know what's going to happen. I think readers who don't mind that at all and are just looking for a quick romantic read will no doubt have fun with this book.

1 comment:

  1. Guess who bought Beautiful Bastard? Gah! What's wrong with me? It's like I can't help myself.

    Anyway, I know what you mean about these contemporary romance books. Nowadays, you read one and you read them all. :/
